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The content of this website divides into three blocks: (1) Top block, (2) Main Content block, and (3) Buttom block.

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  • Alt+U:Top block, containing the links to the major sections of this site.
  • Alt+C:Main content block, providing the principal information of the page.
  • Alt+B:Buttom block, containing the links to the other sections of this site.


Site Map

1 . demassification
      1-1 . Prospective Students.
      1-2 . Current Students.
      1-3 . Faculty & Staff
      1-4 . Alumni
      1-5 . Visitors.
      2-1 . Press Releases(明志新聞稿)
      2-2 . Electronic Paper
      2-3 . Honors and Awards(明志師生獲獎)
      2-4 . Media Reports(媒體報導)
      2-5 . Ming Chi University of Technology's 60th Anniversary Celebration Series of Events!
3 . E-paper
      3-1 . Each Period of the E-paper
      3-2 . SDGs E-paper
            3-2-1 . SDGs E-paper - Period 10
            3-2-2 . SDGs E-paper - Period 9
            3-2-3 . SDGs E-paper - Period 8
            3-2-4 . SDGs E-paper - Period 7
            3-2-5 . SDGs E-paper - Period 6
            3-2-6 . SDGs E-paper - Period 5
            3-2-7 . SDGs E-paper - Period 4
            3-2-8 . SDGs E-paper - Period 3
            3-2-9 . SDGs E-paper - Period 2
            3-2-10 . SDGs E-paper - Period 1
      3-3 . Ming Chi E-paper
4 . Research Centers
5 . Administration
6 . Ming Chi Audio-Visual
      6-1 . Ming Chi University of Technology (Youtube)
      6-2 . PodCast-*onlyCHT
7 . Menu
      7-1 . Admissions
      7-2 . Other Services
      7-3 . Academics
      8-1 . Homepage banner
      8-2 . Ming Chi Announcement_Procurement Information
      8-3 . Ming Chi Announcement_Government Policy Advocacy
      8-4 . Ming Chi Announcement_Administrative Notice
9 . About
      9-1 . Transportation / Contact us.
      9-2 . About MCUT
      9-3 . Open Information
10 . News and Information on COVID-19
      10-1 . MCUT Notices on COVID-19
      10-2 . CDC Announcement on COVID-19
      10-3 . Health Education
      10-4 . Related Links
11 . Information Disclosure(只有中文)