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Congratulations! Professor Wen-Hui Kuan guided Nevuluri Hari Krishna, a student who won the Honorable Mention Award at "the 20th Conference on Environmental Protection and NanoTechnology" !

update date : 2023-09-26


Congratulations! Professor Wen-Hui Kuan guided Nevuluri Hari Krishna, a student who won the Honorable Mention Award at "the 20th Conference on Environmental Protection and NanoTechnology" !


競賽說明 / Competition Description
This is the nationwide registration for the special competition is divided into 2 categories, and the paper publishing competition is conducted in two sections each having 10 groups.
Total 20 groups participated. Out of them 10 peoples got awards. Competitions can stimulate the potential and creativity of students in technical colleges, connect the knowledge they have learned with industrial practices, increase opportunities for exchanges with the industry, cultivate outstanding talents in future enterprises, and practice the concept of "pragmatic and practical" in technical and vocational education.

獲獎事蹟說明 / Description of Award-winning Achievements
At the national chi nan university, we had academic exchanges with experts from different schools, including the national Taiwan university, national Taiwan university of science and technology and a total of 10 groups of entries.

學生獲獎感言 / Student Award Acceptance Speech
Although the expectation I set for myself is to own first place, I know how difficult- won it is. I have to compute with completely different fields, and the competition is the works may be interior. However, due to the scale, the actual performance
there is indeed still a way to go before it becomes commercialized and commercialized. The excellent paper fourth place is an affirmation for me and lets me know myself that I am working hard in the right direction.

Source: Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering
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