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MCUT shines with excellent enrollment rate / 07272016

update date : 2020-05-19

The Ministry of Education (MOE) recently announced the 104 school year college enrollment rate. Several schools’ enrollment rates were dropped due to Taiwan’s low birth rates in the recent decade. Among them, 67 departments had an enrollment rate less than 30 percent. Four of them had no one enrolled. Under this severe condition, MCUT was highly regarded by its excellent enrollment rate at an average of 98 percent in three years.

MCUT shines with excellent enrollment rate

MCUT is renowned for its vision for the practicality in teaching, and has long been reputable among industries. All units of MCUT (including university affairs, administrative offices, 3 colleges, 10 departments, and 11 graduate institutes) have received top ranks in the 2011 MOE Evaluation of Colleges of Technology. Also, MCUT was awarded the University Teaching and Learning Excellence Project by MOE in eleven consecutive years. As such, each student was subsidized the highest amount among private technology universities nationwide. As for the academy-industry cooperation, MCUT is also the top one school in terms of the grant each faculty received.

In order to provide industries with capable manpower, MCUT offers one full year domestic or overseas internship for all junior students so that they can be secured with better job opportunities. Students are paid at least NTD250,000 per year during their internship. In addition, MCUT provides inexpensive boarding (NTD4,000 per semester) and meal plans (NTD130 for three meals a day) for all students. This great bargain has attracted lots of foreign students to study here, which gives the local students an excellent chance for globalization.  

MCUT shines with excellent enrollment rate
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